Community Partner: Boston Community Pediatrics

Meet our newest community partner @bostoncommunitypediatrics (BCP), located in the South End!

Dr. Robyn Riseberg started BCP after 15 years of working as a pediatrician in the South End, with the mission to bring more equity to pediatric health care. BCP staff provide all of their patients with the same care, and take into account not just physical health, but also mental health and the social environment of their patients.
Many families served by BCP struggle with systemic inequities and lack of resources that have been exacerbated by the current pandemic. To make sure all of their patients and their families are well-fed with healthy, yummy food, BCP is partnering with PRU to distribute groceries to 60 families all over Boston.

We will be introducing you to one of our community partners every week, so stay tuned!

#foodsecurity #SaveRestaurants #FeedFamilies #RestoreFoodSecurity #projectrestoreus


The Chinese Progressive Association of Boston: Community Partner


The Food Lens & Mei Mei DIY Dumpling Class Giveaway